Getting Started


Installation of the RTC-Tools Heat Network library is as simple as:

# 1a. Use pip to install directly
pip install rtc-tools-heat-network

If you are going to develop and change the source code, you probably want to do something like:

# 1b. Use git clone and pip to make an editable/developer installation
git clone
pip install -e rtc-tools-heat-network

RTC-Tools Heat Network depends on RTC-Tools, which is automatically installed as one of its dependencies.

The Modelica library is installed in a hard to access location to make sure RTC-Tools can find it. If you want to load the library in an editor like OpenModelica, it is best to run rtc-tools-copy-libraries. See also the RTC-Tools documentation on this.

Running an example

To make sure that everything is set-up correctly, you can run one of the example cases. These do not come with the installation, and need to be downloaded separately:

# 1. Clone the repository
git clone

# 2. Change directory to the example folder
cd rtc-tools-heat-network/examples/pipe_diameter_sizing/src

# 3. Run the example

You will see the progress of RTC-Tools in your shell. If all is well, you should see something like the following output.



You can contribute to this code through Pull Request on GitLab. Please, make sure that your code is coming with unit tests to ensure full coverage and continuous integration in the API.